Last Thursday the TCS Swordsmen traveled to Laconia
to play the LCS Crusaders.
For the girls it was a scheduled JV game. Nine of the girls suited up for the game, while their 11th and 12th grade teammates encouraged and cheered from the bench. All nine girls were able to play, with each one scoring at least one basket.
Trinity won the game 36-20.
Comments from the bench...
"They kept the game under control well, for not having a chance to play together much."---Carrie #15
"They played as a team even though they didn't have many chances to practice as a team." ---Kara #20

"They seemed nervous in the first half, then came together as a team to make the plays to win the game." ---Lindsey #22
"I thought they adapted to their positions well" ---Jules #21
" Towards the end of the game they were seeing the court, and open teammates for passing."
The Varsity boys won their game as well, 47-30.
The whole team got to play, with the bench getting quite a bit of playing time. It was good to see them come together as a team, helping each other get better in their positions.
"The bench earned their minutes. There was sloppy play on both sides, but they got to make their mistakes and learn from them. We will work hard at practice to get ready for next weeks games! ---Coach VanDyne